Land For Sale In New Mexico

Raw, Undeveloped Land For Sale

Browse Our Listings In New Mexico

AGT Properties is your go-to source for undeveloped real estate in the United States. With raw land listings across the country, and right here in New Mexico, our team has the tools, knowledge, and listings that you need to get what you’re looking for.

In New Mexico, we currently have undeveloped real estate listings in Valencia County and Sandoval County. Both of these counties are extremely desirable because they are located on the outskirts of two of our state’s largest, and fastest-growing cities — Albuquerque and Santa Fe. If you are interested in any of our listed raw land parcels in New Mexico, we urge you to contact us today to speak with a member of our team.

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Why Purchase Undeveloped Land In New Mexico?

Undeveloped real estate in New Mexico is in high demand. People want to live and work in the American West, but don’t want to pay the incredible costs associated with living in states like California, Utah, and Colorado.

Because of the inherent need for people to own property to establish their roots in the Albuquerque and Santa Fe areas, now is the time for you to invest. Once you have purchased raw real estate in either Valencia or Sandoval county, you can then choose to use it in a number of ways as a revenue stream. Check out our New Mexico listings today.

Why Buy Undeveloped Real Estate?

When people think of undeveloped real estate, they think of a blank patch of ground and the hard work that they will need to put in to make it a worthwhile purchase. In reality, this is simply not true. When you purchase undeveloped real estate in New Mexico, you are able to use that land in a number of ways as a revenue stream. That said, be sure to speak with a member of our team to discuss the zoning of our listings to ensure that it can be used in the following ways:

  • Commercial & residential development
  • Row crop & livestock
  • Small farming
  • Leasing
  • Purchase & hold

Commercial & Residential Development

Because our undeveloped real estate listings are on the edges of Albuquerque and Santa Fe, they offer a unique opportunity for development. As the cities grow, you will be able to develop with them — building homes for newcomers or building commercial spaces for essential businesses to occupy.

Subdivide It

Just because you buy a plot of land does not mean that you have to do the developing yourself. In fact, in most cases, it is easier to purchase the property and then subdivide the plot of land as multiple properties. In doing so, you can sell the land to individuals looking to build a home themselves or sell the subdivided lots to a developer that is planning on building a neighborhood.


As a city grows, the need for residential and commercial real estate grows with it. That said, you can monetize the land that you purchase without having to develop it or paying someone else to develop it. Undeveloped land can also be leased — even in metropolitan areas. Leasing undeveloped land is a great way to monetize it without spending an arm and a leg developing it. Companies can, in turn, lease the land from you to store vehicle fleets and other equipment.

Purchase & Hold

In developing communities, real estate is always a good investment — as there will come a time when the city inevitably grows and the property becomes more valuable than it was at the time of purchase.

Looking For Raw Land In New Mexico?

If you are looking for raw, undeveloped land in New Mexico, we urge you to browse our undeveloped land listings today. A member of our team would be more than happy to discuss our listings, the zoning for the property, as well as the cost of investment. We look forward to working with you.